PODCAST: Avatars, The Metaverse And The Future Of Retirement Advice.

Originally uploaded, December 1, 2022 on Spotify by Deliotte. Beyond the Summit: Australia 2030

Adrian discussed the future of retirement advice, the changes following the Retirement Income Covenant and the need for more flexible retirement income solutions.

Retirement has always been a catalyst for Australians to seek advice. With over 700 Australians retiring every day and $55B each year moving across from accumulation to decumulation, growing to $200B each year, the need for product innovation and trusted advice is critical for the future of retirement.

Adrian also addressed the role of technology in administering multi-decade long products and delivering a guaranteed income for life as a key component to providing certainty for Australian retirees. Which is why next generation solutions must be have the flexibility to integrate with existing platforms.

Click on the video player above to access the podcast.
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