Terms of use
Our website and its contents (including all information, data, text, graphics, images, software, advertisements and other material on our website ("Content") are the property of Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited (ABN 27 076 033 782, AFSL 296559) ("Allianz Retire+") and are subject to copyright under Australian law and through international treaties with other countries.
You may use this Content for your personal reference only (not for any commercial or public use) and may download a single copy of the Content, keep a temporary copy in your computer's cache and make a single hard copy, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. No other use, copying, reproduction, publishing, storage in a retrieval system, alteration or transmission in any form or by any means, in whole or part, of the website or content is permitted without Allianz Retire+’s prior written authorisation.
All names, logos and trademarks are the property of Allianz Retire+ or the third parties who have contributed to our website. Nothing on our website should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any name, logo or trademark without the express prior permission of Allianz Retire+ or the relevant contributor. The name of Allianz Retire+ and its agents or any of the trademarks and other intellectual property belonging to Allianz Retire+ or its agents may not be used commercially or in advertising or publicity or used to identify a link to our website without the express prior written permission of Allianz Retire+.
You must notify Allianz Retire+ immediately if you become aware of any third party that is or may be infringing the intellectual property rights in our website. You must give Allianz Retire+ all assistance in relation to any infringement proceedings. Allianz Retire+ shall have sole control of the defence and settlement of any infringement proceedings. Any recovery from infringement proceedings is the property of Allianz Retire+. If a court or Allianz Retire+ determines that our website or Content have infringed or may infringe a third party's intellectual property rights, Allianz Retire+ shall have the right to alter, delete or modify our website or Content in order to avoid continuing infringement.
The information contained within this website and on any Allianz Retire+ or related body corporate's products and services is of a general nature only.
Changes may occur in circumstances at any time which may affect the accuracy or completeness of the information so while Allianz Retire+ has taken all reasonable care in producing our website, it accepts no responsibility for any loss, expense or liability which you may incur from using or relying on the contents, and you must not rely on any statement on our website without taking specialist advice.
Any legal rights and obligations which Allianz Retire+ and you may have will be contained in the terms and conditions of the contract and policy issued to you or available on our website when you buy your policy online.
You must not use our website in any manner or for any purpose that is unlawful, or in any manner that violates any right of Allianz Retire+, or that is prohibited by the Terms of Use. In particular it is a condition of your use of and/or access that you agree that you will not:
1. use any device, software or routine which will or may interfere with the working or functioning of our website and will not post, publish, distribute or transmit any Content of any kind which contains a virus or other harmful component;
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3. copy or provide to any other party any materials, Content or data found on our website other than as set out in the Terms of Use;
4. copy and use any materials, Content or data found on our website for any other purpose than purchasing or endorsing or cancelling an Allianz Retire+ product;
5. use any method or means to copy, reproduce, republish, frame, post, upload, distribute, transmit, sublicense, delete or modify in any way all or any part of the Content or our website, or monitor it in any way, unless expressly provided for in our website or expressly authorised in writing by Allianz Retire+;
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7. post, publish, distribute or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent Content of any kind, including without limitation any Content constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulations;
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10. reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or otherwise attempt to identify the source code or other arithmetical formula for the infrastructure software or functions;
11. restrict or inhibit any other user from using or enjoying our website. Allianz has no obligation whatsoever to monitor any user's use of our website or to edit, delete or refuse to post any Content. However Allianz Retire+ reserves the right to monitor your or any users, use of our website and to edit, refuse to post or remove any Content whatsoever. Allianz Retire+ reserves the right to cooperate fully with any law enforcement authority in any jurisdiction in respect of any lawful direction or request to disclose the identity or other information in respect of any user of our website.
- Competition and Consumer Act (Cth) 2010 and all corresponding state and territory legislation imply terms, conditions and warranties into some contracts for the supply of goods and services and prohibit the exclusion, restriction and modification of such terms ("Prescribed Terms"), except as provided for by the Prescribed Terms:
- 1. all content (including information about goods and services) is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties of any kind;
- 2. to the maximum extent permissible by law, Allianz Retire+ expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;
- 3. Allianz Retire+, and its directors and employees, does not warrant that your access to our website will be uninterrupted or that our website will operate error free, that any defects will be corrected or that our website and its servers are free of computer viruses and other harmful data, code, components or other material;
- 4. Allianz Retire+, and its directors and employees, does not warrant that it will be able to prevent any illegal, harmful or inappropriate use, modification or alteration of our website, or that it will give notice of such use, modification or alteration;
- 5. Allianz Retire+, and its directors and employees, does not warrant or make any representations about the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability, quality or otherwise of the content (including descriptions of any goods/services). The use of our website and the content is at your own risk. Changes are periodically made to our website and may be made at any time; and
- 6. if your use of our website or the content results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, Allianz Retire+ is not responsible for those costs.
Except as provided by the Prescribed Terms, Allianz Retire+, its directors, employees, suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on our website shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including, without limitation, incidental, special and/or consequential damages or lost profits) resulting from:
1. any use or access of, or any inability to use or access, our website, any third party link or any content;
2. any unauthorised access to or alterations of your transmissions or data; or
3. any statements or conduct of any user of our website, including any information and/or advice and any defamatory statements or offensive conduct.
This website may contain links to other websites owned and operated by third parties who are not related bodies corporate of Allianz Retire+ ("Linked Websites").
The Linked Websites are not under the control of Allianz Retire+, and Allianz Retire+ is not responsible for the content of any Linked Websites or any hyperlink contained in a Linked Website and makes no representation or warranty with respect to the content of any such third party sites.
Allianz Retire+ provides these links to you as a convenience only and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement of the Linked Website by Allianz Retire+. Your link to any such Linked Website is entirely at your own risk. Allianz Retire+ is not a party to any transaction between you and a Linked Website. Your use of a Linked Website is subject to the terms and conditions of that site in addition to these Terms of Use. If there is any inconsistency these Terms of Use prevail. Our website also contains third party advertisements (that may or may not contain embedded hyperlinks or referral buttons to Linked Websites). The display of such advertising does not in any way imply an endorsement or recommendation by Allianz Retire+ of the relevant advertiser, its products or services or any such Linked Website. You are referred to the relevant advertiser for all information regarding the advertiser and its products and/or services. To the extent permitted by law Allianz Retire+ accepts no responsibility for any interaction between you and the relevant third party and is released from any liability arising out of or in any way connected with such interaction.
All disputes arising out of these Terms of Use shall be dealt with in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and the New South Wales District Registry of the Federal Court of Australia.
This site is controlled and operated by Allianz Retire+ from its offices in Australia. Allianz Retire+ makes no representation that materials in the site are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent applicable.
Allianz Retire+ is the business name of Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited. By using this website you agree to access this Financial Services Guide.